Taboo: Are there areas in which meaningful play must not, cannot tread?

Lindsay Grace, Miami University
Braxton Soderman, Brown University
Shira Chess, Miami University


As the use of persuasive games increases, the question about what is appropriate in gaming takes on new resonance. Games are not merely under scrutiny for violent or sexual content; they are increasingly becoming a medium for political and philosophical expression. These new expressions are no longer dismissible as mere entertainment, as they declare a new understanding of games - games as rhetoric, critique, persuasion and even propaganda. Like all mass media there is a critical mass for content which exceeds the limits of a contemporary audience. This panel seeks to discuss that limit, critically examining the subject matter and expression in games with these specific agendas.

Key questions addressed in this panel include:
Example games to be discussed include 9/11 Survivor, The Suicide Bomber Game, Orgasm Girl and Billy Suicide.

The panel is comprised of comparative media theorists and game designers.