Meaningful Play 2022 at Michigan State University

Paper Information

TitleMeta-Gaming Real Life: Evaluating Offline Change with Online Theory
Presenter(s)Oskar Milik
SessionGaming for Society 1
TimeThursday, October 13, 1:00p-2:00p
LocationMSU Room
FormatPaper Presentation
DescriptionThis paper uses digital games research and theory to analyze social changes that have occurred with the rise of digitalization and online interaction. Specifically, I look at the Financially Independent Retire Early (FIRE) movement, the rise of digital currencies, stock market phenomena with digital trades, and remote work and online learning. By connecting these "real-world" occurrences to the "digital-world" experiences that have been researched in the past, I attempt to explain their roots and trajectories. By doing so, I propose that there is important toolset available for us to be able to predict further social changes and perhaps avoid problematic outcomes.

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