Call for Submissions
Submissions are sought from both researchers and
practitioners in academia and industry. Graduate
and advanced undergraduate students are also encouraged to submit
games and prototypes, paper, panel, workshop, or roundtable proposals either
jointly with an academic/member of industry or alone.
Submissions to Meaningful Play 2008 can include:
- Papers
- Paper Sessions
- Poster Sessions
- Panel Sessions
- Roundtable Discussions
- Workshops
- Individual Speakers
- Games and Prototypes
Specific requirements for each type of submission is available below.
Paper Submissions (due July 13, 2008)
Paper submissions should present original, unpublished research or design work. Papers under review elsewhere MUST NOT be submitted to Meaningful Play 2008.
Authors are encouraged to go beyond the discussion of their work and address implications back to literature, practice, and/or policy.
Authors may submit either extended abstracts (a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1500 words) or full papers (up to 8000 words). Submissions should following the APA Style (APA formatting and style guide help).
Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference in a 15 minute presentation (approx.). The organizing committee will combine individual presentations into topical paper sessions.
Paper Session Submissions (due July 13, 2008)
Individuals (or groups of individuals) are encouraged to submit proposals for paper sessions, a topical conglomeration of individual papers. Submissions within the proposed session should present original, unpublished research or design work whose topic directly advances the broadly defined theme of the conference. Papers under review elsewhere MUST NOT be submitted.
Session organizer(s) are required to submit a 300-500 word abstract for the session. In addition, session organizer(s) are required to recruit presenters for their session, and coordinate the submission of their papers and abstracts according to the requirements for "Paper Submissions" discussed above.
Poster Session Submissions (due August 15, 2008)
Poster submissions should present original, unpublished research or design work whose topic directly advances the Meaningful Play 2008 topics. Late-breaking advances and work-in-progress reports from ongoing research or design are particularly encouraged to be submitted to the poster session.
Authors are requested to submit either a 200-500 word abstract of the poster contents OR a draft version of the poster.
Panel Session Submissions (due August 15, 2008)
Individuals (or groups of individuals) are encouraged to submit proposals for panel sessions which provide an opportunity to publicly debate and discuss issues relevant to the Meaningful Play 2008 topics with eager academic and industry audiences.
Panel session organizer(s) are required to submit a 200-500 word abstract, and directly recruit panel presenters.
Roundtable Discussion Session Submissions (due August 15, 2008)
Individuals (or groups of individuals) are encouraged to submit proposals for roundtable discussion sessions that focus on the Meaningful Play 2008 topics. At Meaningful Play 2008 roundtables are small peer discussion groups limited to no more than 25 people. Roundtable discussion sessions typically feature constructive controversy and debate, and promote an open-ended exchange of ideas in a relatively casual setting.
Roundtable discussion session organizer(s) are required to submit a 200-500 word abstract.
Workshop Submissions (due August 15, 2008)
Individuals (or groups of individuals) are encouraged to submit proposals for workshops whose topics speak directly to the Meaningful Play 2008 topics. At Meaningful Play 2008, workshops are sessions in which specific hands on topics are explored over an extended period of time (typically from 2-4 hours) in a highly hands on manner. Due to the nature of a workshop, the number of attendees is usually limited.
Workshop organizer(s) are required to submit a 200-500 word abstract that not only provides a description of the topic that will be covered, but the target/intended audience, and the core concepts/skills that the attendees are expected to take away from the workshop.
Individual Speaker Submissions (due August 15, 2008)
Individuals are encouraged to submit proposals for individual talks whose topic relates to the topics of the conference. At Meaningful Play 2008, individual speaker sessions are roughly an hour in length, and explore a specific topic or theme in depth, while providing a strong personal or visionary perspective. Individual speaker sessions can also be game case studies or project post mortems.
Individual speakers are required to submit a 200-500 word abstract for their session.
Games and Prototypes (due August 15, 2008)
View the game exhibition and competition for details on submitting games and prototypes.
Important Submission Dates
July 13, 2008 | Paper submissions due | |
August 8, 2008 | Notification of acceptance on papers | |
August 15, 2008 | Poster, Panel, Roundtable, Workshop, Speaker, and Game submissions due | |
September 15, 2008 | Revised abstracts and extended abstracts due for inclusion in conference proceedings | |
October 9, 2008 | Conference begins | |
October 11, 2008 | Conference concludes | |
November 1, 2008 | Top paper authors must submit revised manuscript for possible publication in the International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS) | |
May 1, 2009 | Journal distribution date |
Conference Submission Topics
While any topic related to games for entertainment and learning is appropriate to submit to Meaningful Play 2008, topics of particular interest include:
- Exploring meaningful applications of games
- Games to change attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors including social impact games and personal health games
- Games to stimulate creativity or innovation
- Games to build social skills
- Games to advertise (advergames) and persuade
- Games to exercise specific cognitive functions
- Games to explore personal beliefs and help make decisions
- Games to build knowledge and skills (games for learning)
- Serious games for history and cultural heritage learning
- Games to change attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors including social impact games and personal health games
- Issues in designing meaningful play
- Game design for specific audience segments
- Player types and play styles
- Story and storytelling in games
- Competitve and cooperative play (single player, multiplayer and massively multiplayer)
- Balancing entertainment and serious goals
- Repurposing entertainment games for serious purposes
- Unintended and unexpected effects of games
- Using psychology and neuroscience to design and understand games
- Evaluation and assessment of game impacts
- Barriers to the adoption of serious game
- Game design for specific audience segments
Publication and Recognition
Submitting to Meaningful Play 2008 offers several opportunities for publication and recognition beyond presenting at the actual event, including:
- Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will contain papers or extended abstracts of accepted papers and abstracts of panels and posters. The conference proceedings will be published online.
- Top Paper Awards
Paper submissions will be considered for Top Paper awards by the program committee. All authors will receive reviewer comments and revision suggestions but particularly elaborate guidance will be provided to award winning papers to help them prepare a journal-worthy manuscript.
- Journal Publication
Award winners will be invited to revise their submissions and submit them for possible publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS).
How to Submit
All submissions must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, through the online system at:
Deadline for all paper submissions is July 13th, 2008 at 11:55pm Eastern Standard time. Notification of acceptance will be given by August 8th, 2008.
Deadline for all other submissions is August 15th, 2008 at 11:55pm Eastern Standard time. Notification of acceptance will be given by August 29th, 2008.
Peer Review Process
All paper and poster proposals will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee specializing in the area of the paper topic. Authors will be provided with reviewers’ critical comments as well as any suggestions for revision. If accepted, individual papers will be combined together into topical paper sessions.
All panel, roundtable, workshop, and speaker submissions will be reviewed by the organizing committee.
About the Journal
The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS) is a peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of electronic games and computer-mediated simulations.
The journal is interdisciplinary in nature; it publishes research from fields and disciplines that share the goal of improving the foundational knowledge base of games and simulations. The journal publishes critical theoretical manuscripts as well as qualitative and quantitative research studies, meta-analyses, and methodologically-sound case studies. The journal also includes book reviews to keep readers on the forefront of this continuously evolving field.
Occasional special issues from the journal provide deeper investigation into areas of interest within either gaming or simulations. The Meaningful Play 2008 special issue is just such an issue.
Complete details on the journal are available at: