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Meaningful Play 2018 at Michigan State University

Session Information

TitlePlaying College: the design, creation, and future implementation of enRolled, a board game designed for your freshman seminar course.
Presenter(s)Andrew Peterson
TimeSaturday, October 13, 11:30a-12:30p
LocationHuron Room
DescriptionAfter assisting in the design, development and rollout of a traditional freshman seminar course this game designer wanted to create something different. Teaching this mandatory course has historically relied on passive content delivery. Rather than telling students how to succeed for 50 minutes a week, this game designer created a board game (enRolled) that allows students to play college. Through a series of game modifications (driven by the students) the game can replace the majority of the content delivery sessions. In this session the board game "enRolled" will be demonstrated.

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