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Meaningful Play 2018 at Michigan State University

Session Information

TitleTour of MSU Libraries Rovi Game Collection
Presenter(s)Jonah Magar
TimeSaturday, October 13, 11:30a-12:30p
LocationLake Michigan
DescriptionThis session will meet in the Michigan Room but then quickly proceed on foot to the MSU Library for a tour of the Rovi Game Collection and Digital Scholarship Lab (DSL). Coordinator Jonah Magar will show the currently open Video Game Labs, and talk about the collection--its history; what's available now, what isn't, and why, as well as challenges and progress over the past two years. The tour will proceed through the newly built DSL classroom, virtual reality, and 360 visualization spaces.

Note: This tour is limited to 30 participants due to limited physical space.

The Rovi Gaming Collection consists of approximately 18,000 console and PC games created between the early 1990s and 2017, with a few items dating to the mid-1980s. The collection includes numerous consoles, specialized peripherals, and associated collectors editions and advertising materials. The number of titles and associated consoles are represented here:

The Rovi Media Collection was donated to the MSU Libraries in March 2015 by the Rovi Corporation. In addition to more than 17,000 video games, it includes nearly 700,000 music CDs, and more than 160,000 DVDs, and is one of the largest publicly accessible media collections in the world.

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