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meaningful play 2008 travel

Poster Information

TitleinvestiGaming: Gateway to research about gender, gaming, and computing
Presenter(s)Carrie Heeter, Brian Winn, and Mary Stanish
SessionConference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session
TimeThursday, October 9, 6:00p-8:00p
LocationEast Lansing Technology Innovation Center
FormatPoster Presentation is an online gateway to research on gender, gaming, and computing for academics and game designers including 340 citations, 275 abstracts and "implications for game design" about selected research, funded by the National Science Foundation and developed by the serious game design group at Michigan State University.

Broadening the market of games to include more female players would be financially rewarding to the game industry and useful to society. Games matter because game play is believed to result in familiarity and comfort with as well as interest in computer technology and programming. Designing games to appeal to female and male players may seem elusive, but gender and gaming has been the focus of hundreds of research studies. Reaching game industry professionals with academic research findings about gender and games requires innovative ways to bridge vast divides between these disparate cultures. Tag clouds and "implications for game design" help make the research accessible to industry.

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