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meaningful play 2008 travel

Game Information

Presenter(s)Ben Medler, Joe Fitzgerald, Carrie Heeter, Brian Magerko
SessionConference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session
TimeThursday, October 9, 6:00p-8:00p
LocationEast Lansing Technology Innovation Center
FormatGame Exhibition
DescriptionS.C.R.U.B. (Super Covert Removal of Unwanted Bacteria), is a serious game about understanding what happens, at a microscopic level, when someone washes their hands. This is the first game in a series of mini-games that will tackle the concepts of hygiene and understanding microbe transmission and evolution. These mini-games are part of a larger project to develop adaptive games for pedagogical purposes. Adaption within these games is achieved by combining a user’s game playing preferences with the learning style with which they learn best. The project is also looking for common design elements and strategies in order to apply these adaption practices to other serious games.

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