Game Information
Title | Crossroads Village |
Presenter(s) | Brian Winn, Ziba Scott, Eric Pearson, Adam Rump, Gaston Rampersad, Peter Diaz, Marie Lazar, Mary Stanish, Joe Fitzgerald, John Quick, Chris Portrey, Nate Cooley, Vered Seidmann, Kacie Schaeffer, and Jennifer DeFore |
Session | Conference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session |
Time | Thursday, October 9, 6:00p-8:00p |
Location | East Lansing Technology Innovation Center |
Format | Game Exhibition |
Description | Crossroads Village is a persuasive real time strategy game designed and developed in the Serious Game Design program at Michigan State University. Crossroads Village allows the player to take on the role of a relief organization in dealing with world hunger and other third world crises. In the game, the player manages the relief effort in a village after a disaster, acquiring resources, rebuilding infrastructure, and helping villagers learn new skills. The game is designed to inspire a sense of empathy, while educating the player of the issues and making them aware that they can make a difference. Ultimately the game hopes to promote altruism and action in the form of real-world monetary donations. |