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meaningful play 2008 travel

Game Information

Presenter(s)Jamie Antonisse, Devon Johnson, Chris Baily, Brittany Pirello, Joey Orton
SessionConference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session
TimeThursday, October 9, 6:00p-8:00p
LocationEast Lansing Technology Innovation Center
FormatGame Exhibition
DescriptionHush is an experimental game in which you play a young mother trying to calm her crying infant with a lullaby. The controls are straightforward: press keys in a gentle rhythm as letters emerge on the screen. The world beyond your window, however, is not so simple. You live in a Rwandan Tutsi community, and Hutu soldiers have come to raid your village. Continue singing, stay steady, and shield your child from the terrible events that surround you, and you both might survive the night.

Games typically immerse their players in fantasies of "empowerment"... in Hush, you will experience a horrific moment of "disempowerment" based on a historical event, the Rwandan genocide. As you play, you have very limited control over the world around you. You aren't viewing the situation from a distance and attempting to "solve the problem". You are immersed in the moment, experiencing the brutality of a Hutu raid.

Your only influence is over your child, and you must stay calm and focused in the face of terrifying violence if you want to protect him.

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