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Meaningful Play 2014 at Michigan State University

Game Information

Presenter(s)Jordan Ajlouni, Andrew Dennis, Marie Lazar, Jon Moore
SessionConference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session
TimeThursday, October 16, 7:00p-10:00p
FormatGame Exhibition
DescriptionPhone rings and it looks like your sweetheart is coming home early from a business trip!

Now what to do with the evidence of your affair all over the apartment?!
Hide the evidence of the affair anywhere you can.

Anyway you can.

Your secret must remain a secret.

Scarlet is an experimental game about the nature of secrets. The aim is to create a fear of being caught rather than a fear of death. It was our submission for the 2013 Indie Speed Run, with our given topic being secrecy. It was a top finalist for best game of the competition as well as Peter Molyneux's personal selection for best game.

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