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Meaningful Play 2016 at Michigan State University

Session Information

TitleTeaching Game Design to Various Audiences
Presenter(s)Jeremy Bond (moderator), Brian Winn, Luke Kane, and Carrie Heeter
TimeThursday, October 20, 3:00p-4:00p
LocationSuperior Room
DescriptionJoin our panel of experts as they explore various methods of teaching game design and development to students of all ages. Learn about how teaching strategies differ based on the age and background of the students. The panel is composed of experts in everything from grade school through post-graduate education who discuss the methods that have worked well (and poorly) for them over their years of teaching. Attendees will walk away with a concrete understanding of how to tailor game design and development education to whatever audience they have. The panel will also include Q&A time for attendees to ask specific questions about strategies for non-traditional audiences.

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