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Meaningful Play 2018 at Michigan State University

Game Information

Titleparanismo (student-created game)
Presenter(s)fernando scaff, pericles gomes, rafael dubiela, rafael lagos, allan barros
SessionConference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session
TimeThursday, October 11, 7:00p-10:00p
LocationMSU Union Ballroom
FormatGame Exhibition
DescriptionEducational, Leisure or Art game? This game works as follows: "A young artist ventures into the city, trying to find her artistic personality, and is faced with Paranism, in which she immerses herself, trying to fit her concepts, which come to influence the architecture and local art".

Paranism is a platform game, 2D, and focus on Paranism as present in the city of Curitiba. Its style serves as a basis for the aesthetics of the game, using geometric and symbols as platforms, obstacles and challenges. Users go through the dilemmas of a young artist who wants to find his/her own identity and ends up encountering Paranism's dilemma.

The soundtrack is based on the work of the brazilian composer/pianist Brasilio Itibere da Cunha. The City of Curitiba was the headquarters of Essenfelder, a famous piano factory, and therefore the pianistic work was included as soundrack of 7 phases.

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