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Meaningful Play 2018 at Michigan State University

Poster Information

TitleGiving You Your Space: Examining Game Space Expandability
Presenter(s)Alex Leith
SessionConference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session
TimeThursday, October 11, 7:00p-10:00p
LocationMSU Union Ballroom
FormatPoster Presentation
DescriptionVideo games are constantly changing to adapt to both technology and gamers. To best approach this media, it is, therefore, necessary to regularly re-evaluate the space in which gameplay occurs: game space. Game space is traditionally designated as the virtual space housing gameplay. The endeavor of this project is to propose an expansion to game space that best reflects how individuals are playing games and not merely as games are designed. The primary area of inclusion is non-player, or onlookers. Despite not personally playing the game, onlookers are able to take on roles similar to that of non-player characters within the game. Onlookers can provide insight or directions to the players. It is at that point that it is necessary to distinguish whether or not they are components of game space. From there, it is important to understand what this expansion means for game designers, developers, scholars, and players.

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