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Meaningful Play 2016 at Michigan State University

Game Information

SessionConference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session
TimeThursday, October 20, 7:00p-10:00p
LocationMSU Union Ballroom
FormatGame Exhibition
DescriptionYou're the head coach of the Eugene Melonballers, an up-and-coming team in the Federation of National Smorballers. Can you coach your team to victory, helping them win the coveted Dalahäst Trophy and bring glory home to Eugene?

Smorball is a quick but challenging browser game that asks players to correctly type the words they see on the screen--punctuation and all. The more words they type correctly, the quicker opposing teams are defeated, and the closer the Eugene Melonballers get to the Dalahäst Trophy.

Smorball shows players words from the Biodiversity Heritage Library's collections of scanned historical books. By playing Smorball, players help transcribe and make these books searchable, saving them from digital oblivion.

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