Meaningful Play 2022 at Michigan State University

Game Information

TitleStockF#$%ers: Bang For Your Buck (student-created game)
Presenter(s)Justin Hung, Maxwell Lico, Christopher Pugliese, Annabel Prodnuk, Brendan Rufo, Phillip Stapleton, Lisa Zhang
SessionConference Reception, Game Exhibition, and Poster Session
TimeWednesday, October 12, 7:00p-9:30p
LocationMSU Union Ballroom
FormatGame Exhibition
DescriptionStockF#$%ers: Bang For Your Buck is a fantasy gacha game where the summonable goddesses are the personifications of present-day corporations - and their powers/stats/abilities rise and fall due to the strength of their follower's devotion... or the real world present stock price. We are commenting on unethical business practices in the games industry and the dubious capitalist processes behind them - but spinning those unethical practices into engaging gameplay mechanics. During combat, team composition drastically impacts each player's strategy due to a buff/debuff system of tags - these corporations don't always play nice with each other. On top of that, the player will have to frequently change their party due to the character's stats rising and falling with their respective stock prices. Each time the game loads, real time stock data is pulled from the internet and modifies each character's abilities. Through this, StockF#$%ers stands alone as a volatile, ever-changing gacha - drawing parallels to the stock market and exemplifying unsavory practices often seen in the games industry.

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